Monday, May 28, 2018

Five Years in the Making

Hello Ladies and Gent's. It's been awhile since I wrote a blog. So I might be a little rusty at it. If you are wondering who I am, I'm Alisha Guenzel. A Romance Writer that has been published for the past five years. In those five years I've written six books Unspoken Dreams, Jason's Duty, McGregor Sins (Book 1 of The McGregor Legacy), Road to Hope (Book 2 of The McGregor Legacy), Family Bond (Book 3 of The McGregor Legacy) and lastly Dream Lover.

You can find all my books on, Barns&Noble, Kobi, and Apple.  Here's to the next five years and writing. Hope y'all stick around to enjoy it with me.

Five Years in the Making

Hello Ladies and Gent's. It's been awhile since I wrote a blog. So I might be a little rusty at it. If you are wondering who I am,...